The late registration period begins from September 14, 2020 to October 9, 2 p.m. There is a late registration charge of $50 added to your student account. You can access this link for more information and documents. (If you have trouble accessing Canvas, please contact [email protected])
Students that will register for Fall Qtr. 2020 will ONLY receive a Registration Announcement email on Friday, August 21, 2020 . Please keep an eye on that email.
Students must make a Tuition Payment in Advance in order to be allowed to Register Online or In Person Registration (Garden Grove office).
You will find in your Populi account Invoice for Fall 2020 Tuition. Special Tuition will be adjusted accordingly once student has registered in their classes.
Once Payment is recorded in Populi, student will have the ability to Register Online or student can do “In Person Registration”, a SU Staff at Garden Grove office will register the Student.
Fall 2020 quarter classes begins Oct 02, 2020.