Learning And Assessment
Institutional Assessment
An institution’s learning assessments are a measure of its effectiveness in meeting its mission, goals and objectives. It is important to gauge an institution’s educational quality through its students’ learning, as an indication of that learning contributing to society as a whole.
The mission of Stanton University (SU) as iterated to the public “is to provide students with an affordable and high-quality education in a culturally diverse environment to help them develop knowledge and skills that will enhance their potential for success in their current and future
careers.” An unstated objective is to consistently produce successful student outcomes while simultaneously operating in compliance with applicable rules, regulations, and standards of accreditation.
Finally, SU’s vision for the future is: Stanton University will be a leading post-secondary education institution in California, providing professional education training and a focused, caring, and stimulating environment where all students will recognize and achieve their fullest
potential while preparing to make their best contributions to society.
In keeping with these high ideals, Stanton University’s Institutional Learning Outcomes have been modified to incorporate six general learning outcomes that are the cornerstone of each program.
These student learning outcomes were developed based on standards common in higher education in the United States. Within this context, the university’s students will acquire and be able to demonstrate the following learning outcomes upon completion of their program:
- Knowledge and Proficiency- Demonstrate knowledge and proficiency in a chosen field of study.
- Critical Thinking- Exercise critical thinking and quantitative reasoning in judgment, decision making, and problem solving.
- Information Utilization- Locate and utilize a variety of types of information accurately and appropriately.
- Communication Skills- Effectively communicate in oral and written methods to convey well-organized thoughts, ideas, and opinions.
- Diversity- Exhibit awareness, understanding, and respect for diversity of individuals, groups, and cultures.
- Ethics- Knowledge, understanding and demonstrate ethical principles.
Assessment At Stanton University
Assessment of student learning outcomes has become an essential part of higher education and is destined to play a continuing role into the foreseeable future due to increased interest by the government, students, and parents in the value of a college degree. Also, changes to accreditation standards meant to enhance student learning and drive innovation in education have also increased.
The University Office of Assessment provides leadership and support for efforts associated with the assessment of student learning at the institutional and program levels. The director of the office collaborates with faculty, staff, students and administrators to plan, design, and implement assessment strategies; and analyze, report and disseminate assessment results. The director promotes best practices in assessment and delivers regular assessment training for campus stakeholders.
Several enabling objectives guide the university and its faculty in the achievement of the six institutional learning outcomes, namely:
- Support the development and implementation of program assessment plans that define, measure and evaluate student learning goals and outcomes.
- Provide relevant facilities and equipment.
- Provide outstanding faculty members dedicated to teaching, to scholarship and creative endeavor, and to service to the university and its community.
- Promote self-discipline and motivation so that students may enjoy success in their professional careers.
- Encourage and support lifelong learning and community involvement as fundamental elements of professional success.
- Offer students affordable and quality undergraduate programs that provide a comprehensive general education, as well as specialized career preparation for an increasingly versatile global economy.
- Provide students with efficient, effective, and timely service.
All course and program outcomes and objectives are aligned with the mission of the university and are designed to provide both academic and applied instruction to prepare students for careers in the fields they are studying. By accomplishing the combined learning outcomes and objectives
of courses within a program, the broader programmatic outcomes and the institutional mission are accomplished.
Individual Program Learning Outcomes for the current four degrees offered are:
MBA Program Learning Outcomes
- Business knowledge- Apply core business knowledge and concept to make strategic and tactical decisions.
- Critical Thinking- Critically assess information, data and technology.
- Effective Decisions- Make effective managerial decisions and solve organizational problems.
- Communication Skills- Communicate to an audience professionally and effectively in written and oral forms.
- Globalization- Demonstrate awareness of globalization and its impact on people, culture, businesses and the economy.
- Ethical principles- Identify, analyze and respond to ethical issues related to business practice and standards.

BBA Program Learning Outcomes
- Apply knowledge- Understand and apply knowledge of business concepts and functions.
- Make effective business decisions- Analyze and interpret information to reach conclusions and make effective business decisions.
- Using logical reasoning- Define, evaluate and develop solutions for business problems and issues using logical reasoning, information, materials and data.
- Use of Qualitative and Quantitative methods- Able to use an effective balance of qualitative and quantitative models and apply them to real world business solutions.
- Ethical principles- Identify and apply ethical principle in business decisions making.
- Communication Skills- Integrate communication skills to develop and present effective and professional presentations to a variety of audiences using oral language and written communication.

PGGCM Program Learning Outcomes:
- Knowledge and Proficiency – knowledge of the game of golf and other golf-related subjects and proficiency in playing golf as well as in the practical aspects of golf-related subjects.
- Critical Thinking – the ability to critically assess golf-related information, data and technology.
- Information Utilization – the ability to locate and utilize a variety of types of information accurately and appropriately for each PGM course.
- Communication Skills – the ability to communicate to an audience professionally and effectively in written and oral forms.
- Diversity awareness – understanding and respecting diversity of individuals, groups, and cultures in golf.
- Ethics – the knowledge, understanding and demonstration of ethical principles in all golf- related fields.
KCA Program Learning Outcomes:
- Knowledge and proficiency – exhibit fundamental cooking skills and techniques as well as requisite vocabulary as required in a professional kitchen using knowledge gained from the courses of the KCA Program.
- Critical Thinking – utilize analytical judgment to incorporate nutritional concepts that best serve different markets.
- Information Utilization – develop a strong culinary portfolio to demonstrate the ability to operate in a professional kitchen with fundamental cooking skills and techniques.
- Communication (oral and written) – exercise oral and written communication skills in food presentation and recipe writing respectively
- Diversity – exhibit an understanding of, and respect for, diversity of individuals, groups and cultures while exploring traditional and modern Korean cuisines.
- Ethics – demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of ethical principles within the Culinary Arts through the use of meal planning that incorporates nutritional balance, artistic quality and fine taste, while maintaining high standards of safety and hygiene.