Immigration Services
Registration & Enrollment
Registration and Enrollment
All international students are required to enroll full-time in classes for three consecutive quarters in a year. The minimum course load requirement is noted below:
Programs that require minimum 12 units for each quarter:
- Associate of Applied Science in Professional Golf and Golf Complex Management
- Bachelor of Business Administration
- Associate of Applied Science in Korean Culinary Arts
Programs that require minimum 8 units for each quarter:
- Master of Business Administration
Enrollment with reduced course load may be allowed under certain circumstances. You must discuss your situation with your academic advisor and international student advisor prior to submitting Reduced Course Load Petition, and your petition may be approved when you have one or more of the following reasons:
- Initial Difficulties with the English Language and/or with reading problem
- Unfamiliarity with American teaching Methods
- Withdrawal from a course due to improper course level placement
- Medical Reason (Written statement from physician/ psychologist must be provided. The statement should be in English. We do not accept chiropractic doctor or acupuncturist’s notes.)
- The final coursework required to complete the program is less than a full course.
Link to Reduced Course Load Petition
Important: Unauthorized less than full time enrollment (based on the minimum units above) may result in termination of their SEVIS status. Be sure to follow the proper enrollment policy based on the program you have enrolled.

SEVIS Status Termination
SEVIS Status Termination
In order for international students with an F visa to stay legally in the United States, they must maintain an active SEVIS status. However, the University may be required to terminate international students’ non-immigrant status, or SEVIS status, when they violate or fall under certain categories. SEVIS status termination may occur when the following violations of students are reported to the school’s DSOs:
- Failure to report to school after your initial entry to the U.S.
- Applicable to both new students and returning students with a new initial Form I-20.
- Unauthorized employment
- Unauthorized withdrawal from the classes
- Unauthorized drop below full course of study
- Please see Registration and Enrollment page for details.
- Expulsion and suspension
- Failure to enroll in classes
- Failure to extend I-20 before the suggested program end date on your current form I-20.
- Violation of Laws in the U.S (state and federal) and the University’s regulations and policies.
A student whose status has become terminated must depart the U.S. immediately. The student may discuss the option of reinstatement with international student advisors to obtain an active status again. Contact your international student advisors for more information. To avoid termination, it is extremely important for students to follow all the academic and administrative procedures required by the school. It is less likely that the University will reinstate the student’s terminated status if the status is terminated due to one of the above reasons.
*If a student requests SEVIS status termination due to the reason of “change of status approved” or “Authorized Early withdrawal,” appropriate documentations must be presented to an international student advisor for a proper termination process. Make an appointment with your international student advisor to discuss your situation.
Leave of Absence / Authorized Early Withdrawal
Scheduled Leave of Absence
All International students who have successfully completed 3 consecutive quarters in Stanton University are eligible to take a leave of absence for the duration of their fourth quarter of each school year. If you want to take your scheduled leave of absence, confirm your registration record with the school registrar, complete the form below and submit it to the office of Registrar.
Authorized Early Withdrawal
International students with an F-1 visa in Stanton University are expected to complete three consecutive academic quarters in their program of study prior to requesting a Leave of Absence.
If you will not be registered for an upcoming quarter due to personal circumstances and need to leave the U.S before program completion, your SEVIS record cannot remain in an active status, and you should request for Authorized Early Withdrawal to keep your SEVIS record updated.
When an international student requests Authorized Early Withdrawal, the school will review the request and grant Authorized Early Withdrawal status. Once Authorized Early Withdrawal status is granted, the student’s I-20 will be terminated and must depart the United States within 15 days of the SEVIS Termination. Please note that if you do not enroll for more than 5 months, you will not be eligible for CPT or OPT until you have completed three quarters of full-time enrollment after your return from the leave.
If you intend to return to the U.S to resume your study in Stanton University after one non-registered academic quarter, you should contact our PDSO/DSO no later than 30 days before your planned return date to advise us of your return date.
If you intend to return to the U.S. to resume your study in Stanton University after two or more non-registered academic quarters, you must take readmission procedure and request for an initial I-20 prior to you return.
Do not submit the Authorized Early Withdrawal petition until you make an appointment and receive the approval of a DSO.