Pineapple for Thought

pineapple praising the sun

Written by Daniel Kim, Librarian & Director of Student Affairs

When life gives you lemons.. make lemonade, the overused proverb quips. But what if life gives you pineapples? You could make pineapple juice and don’t have to worry about it being sour, but you have to worry about the spikes prickling your hands.

When life gives you Zoom, make.. sure you’re on unmute (or mute).

Classes have been held online since last Spring Quarter due to the pandemic, and one big plus is that the faculty are using Canvas and Zoom; getting more comfortable with the current technology. And students can just attend classes at home, in their pajamas, with their dog sleeping in their lap.

But I look forward that day soon when we don’t have to schedule classes and events only on Zoom. Nevertheless, I got some ideas to get the pineapple rollingevents up and running. A game night, in particular.

It’s quite nice a change of pace, writing a blog entry here. And wow wow, you have made it this far. Because you were curious of the sun-praising pineapple.

Anyways! Something to share that reflects my mood:

  • Lofi Ping Pong OST: The music from a game that has sweet mellow balance. Good background tune when you study and relax.
  • Lo-Fi Ping Pong: The game is a rhythm game, hitting the ping pong ball to the beat. There’s only 3 buttons (left, up, right arrows), but the challenge does build up as you go along. It’s available on Steam and recently on the Nintendo Switch.

Comments? You can reach me at (Be nice to get a fan mail, or a question on how to use JSTOR. Don’t know what JSTOR is? You should definitely email me..)

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