Career Resources

Career Resources

Here you will find relevant resources and employment information and opportunities.

Job Resources

Students interested in gaining relevant work experience:

Students can work in CPT. More details are provided. They can review the information below. A Stanton University Populi/Canvas account is required.

Helpful SU Guides for Job Search:

Job Resources

Resources provided here are not affiliated with Stanton University. If you have any issues with these resources, please contact the business directly.

Off-Campus Employment Job Search Engines

Career Development:

  • GCF Global: Learning portal that provides many free guides in lessons and videos about core skills such as personal finance and writing and application such as Microsoft Office.
  • Software Degrees: A comprehensive guide to software engineering and development education. Ideal for students in the Information Systems Management program.

Local Job Fairs and Other Events:

Navigating Your Career

 Navigating your career journey at Stanton University might feel like a daunting task, full of uncertainties and stress. However, we’re here to simplify the process for you! The comprehensive career development framework provided here is designed to assist you in gaining a deeper insight into yourself, identifying suitable majors and career paths, and refining your educational, career, and personal objectives.

Explore each stage of the career development process below to gain valuable insights, engage in self-assessment exercises, access valuable resources, and begin charting your path towards a successful career.

Quick Tips


A resume is a summary that includes your education, work experience, and contact information. Employers are looking for the right fit for their open positions. Ideally, it should be only one-page. If you plan to have two pages, make sure it does have notable details as employers tend to avoid them.

Please note: You will notice a term labeled as CV, which stands for curriculum vitae, and is Latin for “Course of Life”. This format is not necessary because they tend to be formatted for careers in the academic field such as colleges; you include your published papers and conferences you have attended.

Resume Do's and Dont's

Do include…

  • Full name and contact information
  • Education (highest degree first) with month and year of graduation
  • Professional and relevant experiences, including internships and research experiences (with month/year of start to end)
  • Leadership and volunteer experiences (indicate month/year of start to end)
  • Skills, such as foreign language, technical, etc.

Don’t include…

  • Age, gender, martial status, or race/ethnicity
  • Immigration status
  • Photograph
  • Religion
  • International permanent address
  • TOEFL or SAT scores
    • unless requested by employer


A job interview is a meeting between the employee (you) and the employer (the company of interest). The employer asks you questions about your work experiences and your skills. You answer those questions.

How do I prepare for an interview?

Employers will ask questions to determine your interest and knowledge about their company. Before going into the interview, you need to study about the company and information about the job position.

  • Visit the company’s website and other resources
  • Understand their philosophy and mission statement, services they offer, their achievements, and contributions to the community
  • Analyze the position description
  • Research the culture of the company
  • Seek, meet, and gather information from people who have worked in similiar positions.
  • Research the typical salary range.

When you are invited to a job interview, ask with whom you will be interviewing, how long should the interview will be, and additional details such as the format of the interview.

Interview Tips

  • Arrive at least 15 minutes early
  • Give a confident handshake
  • Maintain good eye contact
  • Highlight your qualifications for the position
  • Ask questions that show you have done research on the company and your interest in the position

Note for International Students:

  • Remember to emphasize your assets such as:
    • language
    • cross-cultural communication skills
    • ability to interact and work with diverse individuals
    • can adapt to new environments
  • Although it is illegal for employers to ask about your immigration status, age, nationality, or marital status, they are allowed to ask whether or not you have authorization to work in the United States.