The Challenges of Moving to Another Country by Aline Z. Fierros Mendez

by Aline Z. Fierros Mendez MBA student.

Many people tend to move to other countries in order to achieve their academic goals and self-realization. Initially, it may seem like an easy task, as it appears to involve packing bags, taking travel documents, and embarking on this new journey.

However, individuals often find themselves frustrated when reality does not align with their expectations. International students, in particular, experience a range of emotions as they strive to accomplish their objectives. They must psychologically prepare themselves for the complete transformation their lives will undergo.

Firstly, it is natural to feel lonely in a new country. Making friends can be challenging, but it is not impossible. Instead of becoming discouraged on the first day of school, set a goal to initiate conversations with two classmates. It does not matter if they are from a different country or speak a different language. Remember that through interaction, you can exchange email addresses and gradually establish relationships that may lead to beautiful friendships.

Secondly, you might be worried about your pronunciation or accent. However, this should not be an excuse. Keep in mind that learning is a continuous process, and moving to a new country presents an opportunity to improve your English pronunciation and acquire new knowledge. If you come across someone who speaks your native language, get in touch with them and aim to communicate as much as possible in English.

Thirdly, you may find yourself feeling bored as a new student without friends or acquaintances. Instead of dwelling on this gloomy situation, change your perspective. On the first day of classes, strike up a conversation with a classmate and consider working together on a school project. This will allow you to practice the language and, if possible, grab a coffee or soda together to get to know each other better.

While you may experience various emotions, I assure you that by taking the first step after reading this article, you will be able to make friends not only for the duration of your 10-week classes but for a lifetime. This recommendation comes from an international student who initiated conversations with three people who spoke the same language. Today, she considers them as friends and wonderful individuals whom she would like to keep in her life for a long time.

Remember, all students come from different countries, and we all experience fear and struggle with pronunciation. However, the common thread that unites us is our shared goals of academic self-realization and the desire to avoid feeling alone. Seek out colleagues and friends to navigate this adventure of being in the USA and pursuing a higher academic degree.

This is not meant to discourage you; on the contrary, it is a reminder that as a student, you are not alone. You may encounter moments of misunderstanding and insecurity, but taking that first step is enough.